Jiradei : Birthplace of Dr Rajendra Prasad

Jiradei is currently a block in Siwan district. Its distance from Siwan is 13 k.m and its distance from Patna 157 k.m.

This is the ancestral  village of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India.

The first President of India was born in this house on 3 December 1884 AD. He has mentioned the memories associated with this house In his autobiography.

His elder brother took over the responsibility of joint family because of his participation in the freedom struggle from student life itself.

After retirement  from the President's post, he returned to Patna Sadaqat Ashram and stayed here till the end.

After his elder brother's death, Jiradei's house became deserted and there was no one living there.

By the 1980s, it had turned into ruins, yet people of common man used to come to see it from far and wide.

Shri Chandrashekhar singh also came here, local people tell that when seeing the condition of this house,  he wept.

 few days later, when he became the Prime Minister, he declared it a national monument.

It is now a protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India.

Every year on December 3, the birth anniversary is officially celebrated here. In the year 1930, Mahatma Gandhi also came here.

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